Are Green Plums Good for You?

2023-11-14 14:42:33

Green catches, also known as callow or sour catches, are getting decreasingly popular for their nutritive benefits and courtesan, refreshing taste. As further people discover these petite gravestone fruits, questions arise about the implicit health goods of consuming green catches. This article will explore the nutritional profile of green plums, their health benefits, any potential side effects, and tips for enjoying them.


Nutritional Value of Green Plums

Green catches are low in calories but packed with nutrients. One green pearl( 30g) contains around 20 calories, along with carbohydrates, trace quantities of protein, and nearly no fat. The micronutrient content is where green plum powder truly shines.

These courtesan fruits are high in vitamin C, with one pearl furnishing 7 of the diurnal value. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to combat free revolutionaries, in addition to supporting vulnerable function and collagen products. Green catches also contain vitamin K, vitamin A as beta- carotene, and small quantities of B vitamins.

Mineral content is another nutritional highlight of green plums. Each pearl has 2 of the diurnal value for potassium, which helps control blood pressure and heart condensation. They also give iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Overall, the vitamin and mineral content packed into petite green catches makes them a nutrient- thick choice for a low- calorie snack or component.

Health Benefits of Green Plums

Research on green plums is still emerging, but early studies indicate promising health effects:

Antioxidant Properties

Green plums contain polyphenols, carotenoids, and other antioxidants that combat oxidative stress from free radicals. Test tube and animal studies show green plum extracts exhibit significant antioxidant capabilities and help prevent cellular damage. This suggests they may offer protection against chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress, like heart disease and certain cancers, although more research is needed.

Digestive Health

With 2 grams of fiber per plum, green plums provide bulk that promotes regular bowel movements and healthy digestion. The fiber feeds beneficial gut bacteria, contributing to a balanced microbiome. The tart taste comes from malic acid, which may also support digestive function.


With their high water content, green plums can provide hydration and refreshment on hot days. Proper hydration lubricates joints, flushes toxins, and prevents headaches and fatigue.

Immune System Support

The vitamin C content of green plums makes them a great choice for supporting immune function. Vitamin C boosts white blood cells' activity against pathogens and acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Green plums contain oxalates, which may crystallize in the urinary tract in some people. Individuals prone to kidney stones should exercise caution with high oxalate foods.

As with any new food, green plums could trigger an allergic reaction in those with sensitivities to plums, apricots, cherries, or other stone fruits. Start by eating a small portion and monitor for any signs of an allergic reaction.

While green plums are a smart choice for diabetics due to their low glycemic index, portion control is still important to keep carbohydrates within the personalized daily allowance. Check with a doctor about any specific precautions needed based on individual medical history.

Moderation is wise with any fruit since high amounts of natural sugars and fiber could cause GI discomfort. Limit intake to a handful of green plums at a time and be sure to stay well hydrated.

What is the benefit of green plum?

Green Plum Fruit Powder offers several benefits for health:

- Excellent source of antioxidants to fight free radical damage

- Nutrient-dense with vitamin C, potassium, fiber and more

- Promotes digestive and gut health with fiber and tart malic acid

- May support heart health and immunity due to vitamins and minerals

- Low glycemic index makes them a smart snack for diabetics

- Provides hydration on par with water due to high water content

Overall, green plums provide an array of vitamins, minerals and protective compounds in a petite package. Adding them to your diet provides antioxidant power, digestive regularity, hydration, and immune support.

Are green plums OK to eat?

Green plums are perfectly okay to eat and offer some impressive health benefits. These underripe plums have a signature tart taste and crunchy texture that makes for a refreshing snack.

Green plums contain beneficial antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Early research indicates they may help combat oxidative damage, promote digestive health, support immunity, and more.

However, anyone prone to kidney stones should exercise caution with green plums due to their oxalate content. Introduce them slowly to check for allergies as well. As long as these precautions are heeded, green plums are a nutritious addition to one’s diet.

To enjoy their benefits safely:

- Eat in moderation and limit to a handful at a time

- Stay well hydrated when snacking on them

- Monitor for any signs of allergic reaction or discomfort

- Consult a doctor if you have kidney issues or particular sensitivities

When precautions are followed, green plums offer a tart, crunchy way to add antioxidants and micronutrients to your routine. So feel free to enjoy these tangy fruits for their nutritional virtues and delightful crunch.

Are green plums high in sugar?

Despite their sweet taste, green plums are surprisingly low in natural sugars. A petite green plum contains about 5 grams of sugar. To put that into perspective, an average size apple contains 19 grams of sugar.

The low sugar content in green plums makes them a great choice for those monitoring sugar intake, including diabetics. With a glycemic index of 24, green plums are considered a low glycemic food that will not drastically spike blood sugar levels.

The tart flavor in Green Plum Powder Bulk comes from its malic acid content, not high amounts of sugar. Malic acid gives them a sour taste that balances out the subtle sweetness.

Overall, green plums are relatively low in sugars, especially compared to other popular fruits. Their low glycemic index makes them suitable for diabetics and others who want to limit sugar spikes. The combination of low sugar and malic acid gives green plums their signature tangy-sweet flavor profile.

How many plums can I eat in a day?

While plums offer important nutrients, it's wise not to overdo it. Here are some tips on plum portion sizes per day:

- 2-3 small plums or 1 large plum makes a healthy serving

- Limit total intake to 1-1.5 cups of plums per day

- Spread servings throughout the day rather than all at once

- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated when eating plums

- Adjust quantities based on digestive tolerance

The fiber content of plums can cause gastrointestinal issues if too many are eaten at one time. Spreading intake throughout the day gives the body time to adjust.

Monitor reactions to judge what plum quantity works best for your individual needs. Those with sensitivities like irritable bowel syndrome may need smaller portions.

As long as digestive tolerance is considered, a few servings of plums per day can be healthy for most people. But focus on quality over quantity when it comes to reaping the benefits of these nutritious fruits.

Does plums detox your body?

Some claim that plums or prune juice cleanse the body of toxins, but there is little scientific evidence to support this. That said, plums do offer several benefits that relate to the body's natural detoxification processes:

Fiber - Plums' fiber helps move waste through the intestines, promoting regular bowel movements. This eliminates toxins the body naturally expels through stool.

Hydration - The high water content in plums helps hydrate the body and flush out toxins in urine. Proper hydration is vital for toxin elimination.

Potassium - Plums are a good source of potassium, which supports kidney and liver function. The kidneys and liver work to filter and excrete toxins.

Antioxidants - Compounds like vitamin C act as antioxidants to limit harmful oxidative stress that is a natural byproduct of detoxification.

So while plums don't "detox" the body as is sometimes claimed, their nutrients do support the body's innate detoxification systems by promoting elimination, hydration, and antioxidant activity. Enjoying plums as part of a balanced diet can therefore help boost overall health. But dramatic cleanses are unlikely to occur from adding plums or prunes alone.


Green plums offer a sweet-tart flavor and crunchy bite, along with ample nutrition. These petite stone fruits are loaded with beneficial antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and more. Research indicates green plums may help fight oxidative damage, support digestive health and immunity, and stabilize blood sugar levels. Just be sure to enjoy them in moderation and stay hydrated when snacking on their refreshing tartness. Consider adding green plums to your diet to take advantage of their unique nutrition and flavor. Just remember to consult a doctor if you have any kidney issues or plum allergies before indulging. Overall, when precautions are taken, green plums make for a tart, crunchy, and nutritious snack.

Hubei Sanxin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has integrated research and development, production, and sales for many years. We are your reliable Green Plum Powder wholesaler. We can supply customized services as you request.



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