Can Phosphatidylserine Cause Anxiety?

2023-11-08 14:00:02

Phosphatidylserine is an decreasingly popular supplement used to support brain function, exercise performance, and mood. still, some questions have surfaced about implicit links between phosphatidylserine and anxiety symptoms in certain druggies. In this composition, we ’ll break down the current scientific exploration regarding phosphatidylserine and anxiety to understand whether and how phosphatidylserine may contribute to anxiety.

Understanding the relationship between phosphatidylserine and anxiety is important for individualities considering supplementation, especially those formerly floundering with anxiety diseases. Examining the available substantiation can help identify whether phosphatidylserine is likely to help or potentially worsen anxiety on an individual base.

What's Phosphatidylserine?

Phosphatidylserine is a adipose substance called a phospholipid that's produced naturally in the body. It's a element of mortal cell membranes, especially concentrated in brain cells.( 1)

Phosphatidylserine supplements are generally deduced from soy, cabbage or sunflower sources. Some substantiation suggests phosphatidylserine may support memory, cognitive processing, exercise abidance, and healthy stress responses.( 2)

Still, how phosphatidylserine interacts with mood diseases like anxiety is still being delved .


Role of Phosphatidylserine in Anxiety Management

Some initial studies suggest phosphatidylserine powder may help modulate the body’s response to stress. In theory, this could make it beneficial for anxiety management.

For illustration, exploration indicates phosphatidylserine may dampen the release of ACTH and cortisol, crucial hormones in the stress response system. By reducing redundant cortisol, phosphatidylserine may alleviate stress- related symptoms.( 3)

Beast studies also show phosphatidylserine may spark cannabinoid receptors involved in regulating mood, pain and appetite. In proposition, this system may be involved in the supplement’s implicitanti-anxiety goods.( 4)

Still, current substantiation specifically linking phosphatidylserine to reduced anxiety in humans is limited. farther exploration is still demanded.

Scientific Research on Phosphatidylserine and Anxiety

A few small studies have investigated phosphatidylserine and symptoms of anxiety, with mixed results:

- A study in 1991 found 300mg/day reduced feelings of stress in a small group of adults. However, specific anxiety measures were not examined. [5]

- A 2015 double-eyeless trial in athletes set up 600mg/ day reduced particularity anxiety compared to placebo over 15 days of training.( 6)

- Still, other trials in scholars didn't find significant differences in anxiety after phosphatidylserine versus placebo over 30 days.( 7)

- A 1992 study in senior subjects with cognitive impairment set up 300mg/ day of phosphatidylserine for 12 weeks bettered factors like provocation and socialization. still, anxiety itself wasn't measured.( 8)

Overall, current research specifically examining phosphatidylserine’s impact on anxiety in humans is very limited. Larger controlled trials are still needed before conclusions can be made.

Considerations for Anxiety Sufferers

There are a many factors those with anxiety should consider when deciding whether to use phosphatidylserine

- Research substantiation of directanti-anxiety benefits in humans is presently minimum.( 7)

- goods probably vary mainly grounded on the existent, type of anxiety complaint, lozenge, and length of treatment.

- In certain sensitive individualities, phosphatidylserine could potentially worsen anxiety at advanced boluses. This may be related to its goad- suchlike goods.

- Those floundering with anxiety or fear attacks should only use phosphatidylserine under medical supervision for proper dosing and monitoring.

- Phosphatidylserine should be avoided by bipolar cases and others at threat for mania, as it may increase manic symptoms in susceptible people.( 9)

Always consult a internal health professional before trying phosphatidylserine if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety complaint. Don't replace standard anxiety treatments with unproven supplements.

Safety Profile of Phosphatidylserine

At generally used boluses, Pure Phosphatidylserine Powder is generally considered safe and well- permitted. Reported side goods are generally mild, including wakefulness, headaches, and digestive issues.( 10)

There are a many reports of increased anxiety or restlessness at advanced boluses, probably due to its goad- suchlike goods on the brain. Start with low boluses and increase gradationally under medical guidance.( 11)

Those with bleeding diseases should use caution, as phosphatidylserine may increase bleeding threat. It can also interact with blood thinners like warfarin and NSAID pain relievers.( 12)

Little exploration exists on phosphatidylserine's long- term safety when used for anxiety or other mood diseases. Work nearly with a good healthcare guru if considering this supplement.

Individual Responses and Consultation

It’s important to emphasize that individual responses to any supplement can vary mainly. While phosphatidylserine may potentially help reduce anxiety in some cases, it could worsen symptoms for others.

Those floundering with an anxiety complaint should always consult a croaker or good internal health professional before trying phosphatidylserine or any new supplement, especially when combining several composites.

Do not attempt to self-treat diagnosed anxiety without medical oversight. Be alert for any worsening symptoms, and avoid combining phosphatidylserine with stimulants or bipolar medications without approval.

Does Phosphatidylserine Work for Anxiety?

There's presently limited substantiation that phosphatidylserine can directly reduce anxiety situations or successfully treat anxiety diseases.

A many small studies suggest phosphatidylserine may profit certain aspects of mood and internal performance that could be applicable for anxiety. [5][6] However, data directly demonstrating anti-anxiety effects is minimal.

Much more research is still needed on phosphatidylserine’s efficacy and safety for managing diagnosed anxiety disorders. Phosphatidylserine should not replace proven standard treatments for anxiety under medical care.

What are the Side Effects of Phosphatidylserine?

At recommended boluses of 100- 400 mg per day, phosphatidylserine has veritably many side goods in utmost people. still, some implicit side goods can include:

- Insomnia, headache or dizziness at higher doses due to stimulant-like effects

- Stomach upset, nausea, heartburn especially when taken without food

- Increased risk of bruising and bleeding when combined with anticoagulants

- Rashes, itching and flushing in those with allergies

- Fatigue and muscle aches, possibly due to cortisol changes

There are also isolated reports of increased anxiety or restlessness with higher phosphatidylserine doses in susceptible individuals. Those with mood disorders should use caution under medical supervision.

Can Phosphatidylserine Cause Depression?

There's no substantiation that phosphatidylserine causes depression or depressive symptoms. In fact, a many studies suggest it may profit certain aspects of cognition and provocation that are bloodied in depression.

One trial in elderly patients with cognitive decline found phosphatidylserine for 12 weeks improved motivation, socialization, and interest levels. [8] This indicates potential mood and emotional benefits, not harms.

However, Bulk Phosphatidylserine Powder has not been directly studied for treating major depressive disorder. Those with depression or on antidepressants should consult a doctor before using this supplement.

Does Phosphatidylserine Affect Mood?

Some primary substantiation indicates phosphatidylserine may have salutary goods on certain aspects of mood and well- being, similar as conviviality, interest, apathy, and calmness.( 8)

Still, studies measuring phosphatidylserine’s direct goods on depression, anxiety, mood swings, wrathfulness, and overall emotion regulation in humans are lacking.

Important further exploration is demanded to determine whether phosphatidylserine can profit mood diseases, emotional dysfunction, or psychiatric symptoms. Consult a croaker or internal health provider to bandy mood- related uses of this supplement.

Does Phosphatidylserine Affect Dopamine?

Phosphatidylserine is not believed to directly impact dopamine levels or activity in the brain. There is no evidence showing it can alter dopamine production, binding, or neuron transmission.

However, by modulating cortisol and potentially other neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, phosphatidylserine may indirectly affect dopamine signaling cascades and downstream mood and cognitive processes influenced by dopamine. [13]

But current research has not confirmed clear effects of phosphatidylserine supplementation on dopamine or other individual brain chemicals. Studies measuring its precise effects on neurotransmitter systems are lacking.

Can Phosphatidylserine Raise Cortisol?

There is no evidence showing phosphatidylserine can raise or increase baseline cortisol levels. In fact, multiple studies demonstrate phosphatidylserine acts to reduce cortisol overproduction, not elevate it.

Some research finds phosphatidylserine can lower both baseline daily cortisol levels as well as acute cortisol spikes during stressful events when taken regularly. [14]

If phosphatidylserine supplementation is causing symptoms of high cortisol, it is likely due to some other factor. Speak to your doctor immediately for proper evaluation. Do not attempt to self-treat conditions like adrenal fatigue.

How Does Phosphatidylserine Make You Feel?

Research on phosphatidylserine’s subjective effects on mood, energy, and other feelings is limited. Some study participants report:

- Improved sense of well-being, sociability and calmness [8]

- Enhanced mental energy, motivation and clarity [15]

- Heightened exercise endurance and reduced fatigue [6]

- Deeper, more restful sleep [16]

However, a minority of users report adverse reactions like worsened anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and nervousness at higher doses. Effects likely depend on the individual.

What are the Warnings for Phosphatidylserine?

Phosphatidylserine is likely safe for most healthy adults at recommended doses for up to 6 months. But several warnings exist:

- Avoid phosphatidylserine if you have a mood disorder without medical approval

- Use cautiously if you take lithium, diabetes, thyroid, or cholesterol medications

- Don't exceed recommended doses due to potential overstimulation

- Avoid use before surgery - may increase bleeding risk

- Don’t use if you take blood thinners or NSAID pain relievers

- Don’t use if pregnant, breastfeeding or have a bleeding disorder

Consult a croaker before using phosphatidylserine if you have any medical condition or take any other specifics. Stop incontinently if you witness lateral goods.


Current substantiation that phosphatidylserine can help manage anxiety is veritably limited. While phosphatidylserine appears safe for utmost people, it may potentially worsen anxiety in some cases, especially at high boluses.

Those with anxiety diseases shouldn't essay to use phosphatidylserine supplements for tone- treatment. Speak to a doctor about evidence-based anxiety treatments, and use caution when combining supplements with prescription medications.

While more research is still needed, phosphatidylserine may have potential to indirectly support anxiety management alongside proven treatment methods for certain individuals under medical supervision. Still, goods can vary mainly person- to- person. Work nearly with a healthcare provider to determine if this supplement may be helpful for your individual requirements.

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