What is Pine Bark Extract Good For?

2023-11-30 18:25:12

Pine bark extracts are deduced from the inner dinghy of pine trees and contain a variety of active composites similar to proanthocyanidins, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, catechins, taxifolin, and phenolic acids. It has been used for centuries in traditional drugs and ultramodern exploration has verified numerous health and heartiness benefits. Pine dinghy excerpt possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and skin-enhancing parcels. Let's explore the wisdom behind the promising health goods of this natural supplement.


Antioxidant Effects

The potent antioxidant exertion of pine bark extract bulk is attributed to its attention of oligomeric proanthocyanidins and other polyphenols. These factory- grounded motes fight oxidative stress by scavenging dangerous free revolutionaries and reactive oxygen species that can damage DNA, lipids, proteins, and other cellular structures. By negativing these pitfalls, pine dinghy excerpt protects the body from accelerated aging, inflammation, neurodegeneration, and the development of habitual conditions like cancer and heart complaint. Both in vitro and beast studies confirm the antioxidant capacity of pine dinghy excerpt in colorful fleshly systems. More human clinical trials are still needed, but initial evidence also suggests pine bark supplementation can boost antioxidant status in people.  

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

In tandem with its antioxidant properties, pine bark extract demonstrates significant anti-inflammatory activity. Inordinate inflammation is at the root of utmost habitual conditions. Pine dinghy excerpt has been shown to inhibit the release of crucialpro-inflammatory signaling motes like NF- kappaB and reduce situations of seditious cytokines while also limiting seditious enzyme exertion. Theanti-inflammatory capabilities of pine dinghy excerpt have been shown in models of arthritis, atherosclerosis, brain inflammation, liver complaint, metabolic diseases, gastrointestinal issues and further. The combined antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms make pine bark extract an extremely versatile supplement for whole body wellness.  

Antimicrobial Properties  

Certain bacteria, contagions, fungi and other microbes can inflict annihilation when grown or out of balance in the body. Pine dinghy excerpt has demonstrated antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic parcels that may help restore microbial balance. For illustration, pine dinghy excerpts and its bioactive factors have shown exertion against medicine- resistant bacteria like MRSA as well as oral, gut and skin pathogens. Pine bark preparations may also combat viruses like flu, common cold and herpes. More research is warranted, but the antimicrobial benefits of pine bark extract hold therapeutic potential for supporting immunity and infection control.

Skin Enhancing Effects

Pine bark extract has gained popularity for its skin-enhancing effects due to powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and vascular support mechanisms. It may protect skin from premature aging caused by sun damage. By strengthening blood vessels in the dermis, pine bark extract improves circulation to nourish skin, reduces redness and swelling, speeds healing of abrasions and wounds, minimizes varicose veins spider veins, and decreases bruising. Pine bark preparations have also shown efficacy for alleviating symptoms associated with rosacea thanks to the anti-inflammatory and vascular benefits. Those struggling from itchy skin, hives or certain skin hypersensitivities may also benefit. Topically applied pine bark extract is very well-tolerated with minimal risk of reaction for most skin types.

Cardiovascular Protection  

A healthy heart and resilient circulatory system are essential for longevity and pine bark extract delivers significant cardioprotective mechanisms. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities help defend blood vessels from oxidative damage that can lead to atherosclerosis and blood clots. Pine bark extract has been shown to improve endothelial function, enhance blood flow, support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, discourage plaque buildup in arteries and discourage blood platelet aggregation. This can lower risk of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, ischemia and associated issues like heart attack and stroke. Those at risk of cardiovascular disease may benefit from pine bark supplementation.

Neuroprotective Effects

The brain is highly susceptible to oxidative stress and inflammation which can impair cognition and increase risk of dementia if not properly controlled. Fortunately, pine bark extract opc has exhibited neuroprotective properties in preliminary research. It has been shown to inhibit formation of beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles associated with Alzheimer’s while protecting neurons from injury and encouraging nerve growth factors and new cell formation. Pine bark may also improve blood flow, oxygenation and glucose utilization in the brain for better mental performance. Supplementation may support various aspects of cognition including improved learning, memory, focus and concentration. More human trials are necessary, but the early research is extremely encouraging.

Diabetes Aid  

Chronically high blood sugar and insulin levels linked to diabetes can radically accelerate aging processes through glycation and inflammation. Pine bark extract has been shown to improve important markers of blood sugar control including fasting glucose and plasma insulin levels while limiting inflammatory factors. By improving carbohydrate metabolism and potentially enhancing pancreatic beta cell function, pine bark extract may aid blood sugar regulation in those with diabetes or prediabetes. Pine bark also improves microcirculation to protect nerves and small vessels from the damage that can lead to neuropathy and other diabetic complications. Better blood sugar control may also equate to increased energy levels, balanced mood and appetite control.

What does pine bark extract do for the brain?

As highlighted above, pine bark extract exhibits neuroprotective qualities that may support various aspects of cognition and prevent age-related mental decline. More specifically, research indicates pine bark supplementation can:

- Protect neurons from oxidative damage and death

- Combat neuroinflammation

- Reduce beta-amyloid plaques and tau tangles implicated in Alzheimer's disease

- Improve cerebral blood flow for better oxygen and nutrient delivery

- Support new nerve growth and neuron transmission

- Enhance learning, memory, focus and concentration

- Elevate mood and motivation

- Aid recovery from traumatic brain injury and stroke

The brain boosting mechanisms of pure pine bark extract powdert make it an attractive supplement for anti-aging defense, cognitive enhancement, memory support, concentration aids, study performance, mood balance, and neuroprotective benefits. Those struggling with aspects of mental decline may find pine bark extract particularly restorative.

What does pine bark extract do to skin?  

Pine bark extract delivers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vascular supporting mechanisms that translate to various dermatological benefits when applied topically or taken internally. Research shows pine bark can:

- Defend skin from sun damage and premature aging

- Calm inflammation linked to acne, eczema and psoriasis

- Soothe irritation from rashes, bug bites and skin hypersensitivities

- Improve skin circulation and oxygenation

- Speed healing of wounds and abrasions

- Reduce varicose veins and spider veins

- Minimize bruising  

- Brighten and even out skin tone

- Increase skin moisture and hydration

- Enhance skin cell regeneration  

In summary, pine bark extract strengthens the skin barrier for a more vibrant, youthful and clear complexion with enhanced texture, tone and resilience. It’s especially useful for sensitive skin types in need of antioxidant and reparative support.

Does pine bark extract have side effects?

Pine bark extract is generally very well tolerated especially when taken as directed at reasonable dosages. Mild side effects occasionally reported include headaches, upset stomach, dizziness, mouth sores and skin irritations. Those with pine allergies should avoid pine bark extract but cross reactivity is not very common.

Due to its blood thinning capabilities, pine bark extract should not be combined with pharmaceutical blood thinners like Warfarin or consumed in excess right before surgery. It may also react with NSAIDs, certain chemotherapeutic agents, blood pressure medications and other drugs with anticoagulant effects. Check with your doctor about contraindications with any medications you take.

While deemed safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding, use pine bark extract cautiously until more definitive safety research is conducted. Stay conservative with doses to err on the side of caution.

Does pine bark extract whiten skin?

Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color. Overproduction and uneven distribution of melanin can lead to skin discolorations, melasma, sun spots, age spots and uneven complexion. Pine bark extract has been shown to regulate melanin synthesis and distribution while also accelerating skin cell turnover to whisk away damaged pigment clusters. This promotes lighter and brighter skin overall. Pine bark may also directly inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase which sparks excess melanin production in response to UV exposure and hormonal influences. For these reasons, it is growing in popularity as a natural skin whitening and brightening ingredient.

Hubei Sanxin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. integrates the research and development, production and sales for many years. We are your reliable pine bark extract wholesaler. We can supply customized service as your request.

Email: nancy@sanxinbio.com


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Rohdewald, P. (2002). A review of the French maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), a herbal medication with a diverse clinical pharmacology. International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 40(4), 158-168.

Grimm, T., Skrabala, R., Chovanová, Z., Muchová, J., Sumegová, K., Liptáková, A., ... & Duracková, Z. (2006). Single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) after oral administration to healthy volunteers. BMC clinical pharmacology, 6(1), 1-8.

Belcaro, G., Cesarone, M. R., Errichi, B. M., Ledda, A., Di Renzo, A., Stuard, S., ... & Appendino, G. (2008). Variations in C-reactive protein, plasma free radicals and fibrinogen values in patients with osteoarthritis treated with Pycnogenol®. Redox Report, 13(6), 271-276.

Uhlenhut, K., & Högger, P. (2012). Facilitated cellular uptake and suppression of inducible nitric oxide synthase by a metabolite of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol). Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 53(2), 305-313.

Grimm, T., Chovanová, Z., Muchová, J., Sumegová, K., Liptáková, A., Ďuračková, Z., & Högger, P. (2006). Inhibition of NF-κB activation and MMP-9 secretion by plasma of human volunteers after ingestion of maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol). Journal of inflammation, 3(1), 1-5.

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